Monday, July 21, 2008

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

My training is going well and starting to get more intense. We practice together as a team twice a week, on Wednesday nights at the MJC track for drills and timed runs,(this is really hard for me, because I am not used to this type of running) and on Saturday mornings for our long runs.

We all participated in the 10K RUN at the Escalon Park Fete on Saturday the 12th. That was fun but I always get so nervous before a race. I need to get over that. Then, last Saturday we had our 1st run in Knights Ferry, to start training for the hills in SF for the Marathon. It was a 12 mile run and it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. We will start increasing our mileage each week now.

My running partner wasn't here this week so I ran by myself the whole hour and 45 minutes. Betsy had emailed on Friday night asking that we pray for her upcoming bone marrow biopsy (which is a very painful procedure), so I was able to spend the entire time in prayer for her while I was running. This is what keeps me going to do this marathon.

You too can help! Betsy starts her 1st Chemo treatment on Thursday and she could really use your prayers and support during this time.

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